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The combination of everything makes Agristo the best workplace for me

Meet Pawel

Meet Pawel, operator. Originally from Poland, he found his second home at Agristo in Wielsbeke. He has worked at Agristo for four years now — as has his wife — and he would like nothing more than to continue working here until he retires.

Why Agristo?

Why? It's a really pleasant workplace! There is a family-like atmosphere among the operators, and that can be felt everywhere at Agristo. From the management to the production environment, everyone is friendly and sociable. This automatically makes new people feel at home in the workplace quickly.

Agristo employs people of many different nationalities and cultures, like Pawel. The language barrier was no problem for him, as Agristo provides language classes for everyone to ensure that collaboration runs smoothly. Pawel finds it important to be able to communicate properly with his fellow colleagues, but “Je ne parlais pas le Français, hein,” he jokes. As such, he started taking French lessons to enable him to properly coach his new French colleagues.

Pawel grows with Agristo

Pawel may only have been a Potatoholic for four years, but he has come a long way in that time. He started as an operator and is now a trainer for new employees, and he is looking forward to more future growth. Agristo offers room to take those steps while it also grows with its employees. In those four years, Agristo’s Wielsbeke plant has grown from one department to three.

A good employer

Pawel has nothing but praise for Agristo and certainly has no plans to leave. For Pawel and his wife, the working conditions, excellent pay, diverse training courses, growth opportunities and the people-oriented aspect are reasons enough to stay. The family day at the amusement park is a great bonus for his young son. Add in the great atmosphere, and the picture is complete. Pawel could not wish for a better workplace.