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What is a Potatoholic?

Every Potatoholic is unique, yet we all share and convey the same values. We are open to change, work with drive, pay attention to and care for people and focus on the future. Some values may be more emphatic for some Potatoholics than others, but we all want to make Agristo a little better in our own way, day in, day out.

You do not shy away from a challenge, like Open-minded Olivia

You want to grow as a Potatoholic. You love a work environment under development. You know how to fully utilise and further develop your talents in various ways. You are a broad-minded thinker who makes decisions from the head, heart and gut 💛.

You have the warmth of Caring Cristophe

Chill. You are comfortable working at a company with a casual, family atmosphere at all levels. We rely on relationships based on kindness, trust and spontaneity in and between teams. You are selfless and place your team’s interests first 🙌.

You are persistent like Driven Donna

Go, go, go! You are not afraid to tackle any challenge that may present. You work with driven colleagues but have the freedom to set out your own path autonomously. No matter whether you want to grow horizontally and broaden your expertise or climb the ranks vertically, Agristo is the place for you 🥔.

You dream like Futuristic Fadil

You have a dream. You see the bigger picture and think about the long-term options. The solutions you come up with will be applicable today and tomorrow, so you look at today from a future perspective. You work with respect for others and the environment.

1, 2, 3 test

We don’t care how the ratios add up for you — if you have all four, you are already a thoroughbred Potatoholic.